The other night, or rather, many nights, (and days) our conversation goes something like this:
Me: "So, what do you guys feel like eating for dinner?"
Guys: "I don't know, what is there?"
"Grilled cheese?"
"What about pasta?"
The boy: "Yesssssss!"
The girl: "I don't feel like nachos."
"Okayyyyyy, how about Nutella crackers?"
Tonight, I actually cooked a meal...lasagna roll ups. Mix 15 oz. part-skim ricotta, (why can't they make it 16 oz.? Drives me crazy.), a handful of parmigiano reggiano, some diced mozzarella, a grating of nutmeg, dash of minced parsley, 2 eggs, and some salt. Next time, I'll use one egg; it was a little goopy. This gives you enough filling for 7 Ronzoni lasagna sheets, which I discovered after boiling the entire box. I wrapped up the leftovers and will do something inventive with them another day. I had a smidge of my leftover tomato sauce and a half jar of Rao's (very good stuff). Pour some sauce in bottom of baking dish. Spoon ricotta cheese mixture down length of lasagna pieces and roll up. Place on top of sauce in the baking dish. Fill baking dish with rolls and spoon more sauce and parmigiano over top. Cover with foil. Bake at 350 degrees (convection) for 30 minutes, then 10 minutes uncovered. Let sit 10 minutes. It was really yummy.

Good night!